Isaiah 64
“We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.”
At Laudate we strive to combat our ego driven nature. Whether its flexing your muscles at yourself in the mirror, or using phrases such as “I’m amazing.”
We seek to reframe this mindset into “God is amazing. I can’t believe he created our bodies.”
Often we are told to just “trust in the process.” What does that mean? Ego will convince us that we have control. “I can make a lot of money.” “I can build the best life for my family.”
Ultimately, God has molded us from clay. We each have a purpose that he has created us for. Regardless of perceived “flaws”, these are truly just the mark of the artist, the creator.
By iron, through iron, to iron. Laudate!
God Bless,
The Laudate Team