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What we offer

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Elevated Prayer

Pray unceasingly in a class designed to improve physical fitness through functional body weight movements and traditional weight training. The best part? Praying together in community with other Christians seeking to honor God every day through all things.

8:30am - 9:30am and 10:00-11:00am Saturdays



"SoulCore is an apostolate that intentionally engages the whole person in the sacred experience of the rosary. Integrating the prayers of the rosary with core strengthening, stretching and functional movements to nourish body & soul and encourage deeper reflection on the virtues."

Check out the Soulcore Team!

11:00am - 12:00pm Saturdays

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Nutrition Coach

Our nutrition program is a personalized approach designed to help you achieve your fitness goals both in and out of the gym. We offer guidance to help you make the right food choices for success.


Spiritual Coaching

This program is designed to help you connect with God and improve your spiritual health. We offer prayer plans and will connect you with coaches to help deepen your relationship with God.

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Christian Coaches

All of our coaches are Christians from a wide range of denominations who are passionate about helping you achieve your fitness goals and furthering your relationship with God.

Contact us at or call 412-328-4592 to learn more about our programming.

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