How did you first get involved with Laudate Fitness?
J: I was at the grand opening of Laudate Fitness, and I try to go once a month. I keep coming back for the 3 Fs: faith, fitness, and friendship.
What is your current involvement with Laudate?
J: Faith is at the foundation of Laudate. The team has a wide range of Christian spiritual backgrounds, but each one is pursuing a relationship with Christ. They bring their faith into the gym, integrating it into their workouts. This has changed my perspective on working out, going to God for my strength and endurance.
J: Additionally, they offer a Bible study Monday nights, which always leads to a deeper understanding of scripture. I appreciate hearing the different insights each person has.
What do you like about Laudate's program?
J: Fitness obviously plays a huge role as well. Their circuit based workouts always get a good burn and sweat going. I don’t often do circuit work in my personal fitness plan, so this a challenge. Challenges are best conquered when you have others to encourage and inspire you, which is what I get at laudate.
What can you tell me about Laudate's atmosphere?
J: I come to Laudate for friendship. Whether it’s in the gym or on the Monday night zoom calls, we are always cracking jokes and going off on tangents. They really have a great team that cares about each other.
J: Iron sharpens iron, so growing in fitness and faith with friends is something that I’ve really enjoyed.
What is your faith and fitness background?
J: My faith background: raised catholic, stopped practicing the faith from high school until my junior year of college when I had my reversion.
J: Fitness background: played a bunch of sports growing up, ran cross country in high school. Started lifting around freshman/sophomore year. Mainly ego lifting until later in college when I got into running and mobility stuff in addition to lifting.
Do you have any current faith and fitness goals?
J: Faith goals: pursue my relationship with the Lord with intentionality, and surround myself with good people while doing so.
J: Fitness goals: be strong fast and flexy :)

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